Via Commerciale, 29
35010 Santa Giustina in Colle (PD)
Phone: +39 049 9323777
Morellato S.p.a.
Via Gabrio Serbelloni, 5
20122 Milan
Phone: +39 02 77871642
Kronoshop Srl
Via Crotone, 2a
00182 Rome
Phone: +39 06 97859106
Christ Group
Kabeler Straße 4
58099 Hagen
CHR Logistik & Service GmbH
Meesmannstr. 103
44807 Bochum
Mister Watch
184 Avenue Charles de Gaulle
92200 Neuilly sur Seine
Phone: +33 01 87 77 01 90
100-101, Terrasse Boieldieu
Tour Franklin, la Défense
92800 - Puteaux, Paris
Phone: +33 (0) 32 31 30 60
901 rue de Branville 2
7930 - Gauville-la-Campagne
Italian Luxury MEA
Office 105 - Building 8
Dubai Design District
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971 4 4561348
Morellato & Sector Ltd
Unit B, 12/F
Chung Shun Knitting Centre,
1-3 Wing Yip Street, Kwai Chung, N.T.
Phone: +852 27850080
Morellato Trading Company Ltd
No.28, Second Lane, Qile Street
Xiegang Town, Dongguan City
Guangdong Province, China
Morellato & Sector Ltd.
Bangkok City Tower, 13th Floor
No. 179 South Sathorn Road
Thungmahamek, Sathorn district, Bangkok
These are the cornerstones of the Morellato Group, values that have contributed towards its constant growth on an international level.
Interpreting the great tradition of Italian manufacturing, of precious jewellery and watchmaking, to be a point of reference for the contemporary consumer.
«Led by the tradition and family roots of our company,with passion and constant research for quality andinnovation, we carry forward our mission shared by ateam of over 4,600 people: to create beautiful thingsand offer an unforgettable experience to all ourcustomers.»
Massimo Carraro, President
© 2022 Morellato S.p.A. - Fratte di Santa Giustina in Colle (PD), via Commerciale 29, codice fiscale, partita IVA 13442590157 e R.E.A. registro imprese di Padova n. 367025 Pec: